Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On My Mind

Mom, Kenny - you were on my mind today. Kenny, you sent these roses to me in a group email. I would have thanked you at the time but I didn't want to embarrass you. I can hear your sarcastic response clearly in my head saying, "What's different this time?" and it makes me smile. I miss you both so much. I know it would make you sad to know I'm still grieving the loss of you from my life; we all are. But that's just the way it is, and to be honest, I know I will always feel this void. An open wound that just won't stop bleeding. With absolutely zip training, I don't do loss well. And I have to add that if life and death were a mandatory class where I could expect to receive a grade, I'd flunk the course. Hardcore. I do promise to work harder at feeling better. Loving you always. Just me.

1 comment:

Orpha said...

Hi Angie,
Thanks for sending me your blog. I'm so glad you are writing again, even if it's about your grieving for your mom and brother.
I wish I were there to give you a big hug, because I know words aren't what is always needed. Besides, I'm lousy with words anyway, I am better with hugging.

I'm sorry that I didn't make the time to visit you when I was in the area last month. I will be sure to make the time next time I am there!

You're in my prayers and thoughts! Be strong (I know how strong you are) and keep your faith. This is the time your faith is what will keep you going.

Take care,

p.s. Try lighting some candles in your home. At least three of them and let them burn for awhile. This is part of my religion and it helps me when I need it most.