Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just One of Those Days

Today was friggin' hard. For starters, I maintained that "just barely there" sleep throughout the night which left me unable to function during the daylight hours. It's that sleep where you think you're under until you open your eyes and realize you're not. This went on all night long. My thoughts were undisciplined and all over the place. Is that lotto ticket I got any good? Will the new episode of 90210 be as popular as the first one? Am I gonna be broke the rest of my life? I wonder if Dillon's coming back to the zip code? much work to do tomorrow. Will I be able to take some days off? Am I sleep? I couldn't stop thinking about pit bulls and lipstick. That had to come from watching news right before turning in. Something about Sarah Palin...socker moms...and lipstick wearing pit bulls. I'm trying to get a better grasp on politics so I've been tunin' in and getting caught up in the political muck. Gives me headaches. Anyway, so today I suffered the residual effects from no sleep. And to top it off a customer told me I disgusted him. He had his reasons...but I don't know...disgusted?...a tad bit harsh.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG - i had just typed out this big long comment and then it was lost. It was all emotional and sentimental and everything and now it is gone, GONE! Man... Now Im frustrated and cant get back into the mood. I'll write you again later - when I'm all sappy again and it will sound all philisophical and everthing.

I'm right there with you on the racing thoughts in my mind at night. I wish I could just shut them off, but I can't, so i just try to counter balance them with throughts of laying in a hammock on a beach that has beautiful white sand, blue carribean water and just BREATHE, of course there is an extremely handsome man in attendance to exact out my every command and he is looking at me longingly with naughtly thoughts running through his head - and then I wake up cause there is this laughing going on inside my head that i cant shut up. Anyway, it helped with the racing thoughts of things that just cant be helped or fixed in the middle of the night.

You will get through this. You are a great person with a huge heart and lots of love. I see that sparkle in your eye still and the smile in your face, it's still there. It just needs some time to heal. I am here for you whenever you need me. I am glad that you have started this blog, I think it is just what you needed.

I miss you.